1. [PDF] The Fukushima Daiichi Accident
This report presents an assessment of the causes and consequences of the accident at the Fukushima. Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan, which began on 11 ...
2. Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log | IAEA
8 apr 2011 · The Higashidori nuclear power plant was shut down and in a maintenance outage at the time of the 7 April earthquake. Off-site power was lost ...
→ Chronology of Updates:2 June | 12-18 May | 4-11 May | 5 May | 3 May | 2 May | 28 April | 27 April | 26 April | 21 April | 20 April | 19 April | 18 April | 15 April | 14 April | 13 April | 12 April | 11 April | 10 April | 9 April | 8 April | 7 April | 6 April | 5 April | 4 April | 3 April | 2 April | 1 April | 31 March | 30 March | 29 March | 28 March | 27 March | 26 March | 25 March | 24 March | 23 March | 22 March | 21 March | 20 March | 19 March | 18 March | 17 March | 16 March | 15 March | 14 March | 13 March | 12 March | 11 March | Full Update
3. Emergency response technical work at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear ...
12 apr 2012 · The aim of this paper is to describe the greatly increased risk from hazards that disaster response technical workers faced because of the Fukushima Dai-ichi ...
Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant (NPP) was heavily damaged by the tsunami that resulted from the 9.0-magnitude earthquake which occurred off the coast of eastern Japan on 11 March 2011.1 The loss of all alternating current (AC) electrical power, even from emergency generators, disabled cooling functions and the supply of recycled water. Hydrogen explosions destroyed two reactor buildings and there was meltdown of the reactor cores. The nuclear accident was assigned the maximum severity level of 7, which is equal to that of the Chernobyl disaster that occurred in 1986.2
4. [PDF] 4. Operation logs
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5. [PDF] The Fukushima Nuclear Accident and Crisis Management
The objective of this project was thus to review and analyze the lessons that can be drawn from US and Japanese responses to the accident at the Fukushima ...
6. [PDF] Fukushima Nuclear Accidents Investigation Report (Attachment)
・ In a boiling water reactor (BWR), the pressure suppression type PCV is used, which is designed to restrain pressure build-up by passing the steam escaping.
7. Physics of Uranium and Nuclear Energy
16 mei 2024 · Nuclear reactors work by containing and controlling the physical process of nuclear fission. · Radioactive decay of both fission products and ...
Neutrons in motion are the starting point for everything that happens in a nuclear reactor. When a neutron passes near to a heavy nucleus, for example uranium-235, the neutron may be captured by the nucleus and this may or may not be followed by fission.
8. An update on radioactive release and exposures after the Fukushima Dai ...
An INES score of 7 has been designated to only one other nuclear disaster, which occurred at the Ukrainian Chernobyl power plant on 26 April 1986. The Chernobyl ...
See Also2121 Gateway PointOn 11 March 2011, the Richter scale 0.9-magnitude Tokohu earthquake and tsunami struck the northeast coast of Japan, resulting in widespread injury and loss of life. Compounding this tragic loss of life, a series of equipment and structural failures ...
9. Radiocarbon Releases from the 2011 Fukushima Nuclear Accident - Nature
14 nov 2016 · ... energy output and actual fuel-burn time in each reactor can be obtained. ... Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP). J. Environ. Radioact ...
Radiocarbon activities were measured in annual tree rings for the years 2009 to 2015 from Japanese cedar trees (Cryptomeria japonica) collected at six sites ranging from 2.5–38 km northwest and north of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. The 14C specific activity varied from 280.4 Bq kg−1 C in 2010 to 226.0 Bq kg−1 C in 2015. The elevated 14C activities in the 2009 and 2010 rings confirmed 14C discharges during routine reactor operations, whereas those activities that were indistinguishable from background in 2012–2015 coincided with the permanent shutdown of the reactors after the accident in 2011. High-resolution 14C analysis of the 2011 ring indicated 14C releases during the Fukushima accident. The resulted 14C activity decreased with increasing distance from the plant. The maximum 14C activity released during the period of the accident was measured 42.4 Bq kg−1 C above the natural ambient 14C background. Our findings indicate that, unlike other Fukushima-derived radionuclides, the 14C released during the accident is indistinguishable from ambient background beyond the local environment (~30 km from the plant). Furthermore, the resulting dose to the local population from the excess 14C activities is negligible compared to the dose from natural/nuclear weapons sources.
10. Status of the Nuclear Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant
29 apr 2011 · All reactor status updates are listed in Japan time. Reactor 1. APRIL 29, 11:36 AMA remote ...
At the Fukushima Daiichi Power Plant, explosions have damaged four of the buildings, and fuel is in danger of melting and releasing radioactive materials.
11. [PDF] and Actions for a Severe Accident in a Nuclear Power Plant
Cover photos: Three Mile Island NPP, Chernobyl NPP (hujgcemj70, Creative Commons) and Fukushima Daiichi NPP (IAEA). Page 5. TABLE OF CONTENTS. LONG-TERM ...
12. Articles Tagged with: nuclear power -- ANS / Nuclear Newswire
Tag: nuclear power. Sponsored Article Image. A message from Electrical Builders, Ind. America's Top Performing Nuclear Plants Rely on ...
13. Nuclear Power in France
21 mei 2024 · The possible new reactor programme relates to a submission to the government by SFEN, the French Nuclear Energy Society, urging such a programme ...
France derives about 70% of its electricity from nuclear energy. This is due to a long-standing policy based on energy security. Government policy is to reduce this to 50% by 2035. France is the world's largest net exporter of electricity due to its very low cost of nuclear generation.
14. [PDF] The Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation ...
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